Academic editing services
Scribo provides academic editing services that assist students, academics and lecturers with grammar, vocabulary, sentence and paragraph construction, academic referencing, essay structure and writing style.
We provide flexible and tailored packages that include various degrees of academic editing; proofreading, copy editing, some re-writing when required, and extensive feedback notes. All clients can avail of our services. If you are a student:
- Making the difficult transition from second to third level education.
- A mature student returning to education.
- An international student studying in a second language.
- A masters or PHD student who needs a second eye on their thesis.
- Struggling with academic writing.
We also offer advanced academic editing services for academics writing any literature, including journal articles and academic books.
We provide tailored academic editing solutions for individual needs. The service is entirely transparent; any changes made to the original document can be clearly seen and can be accepted or rejected, while explanations of complex corrections are provided.
A human element in editing and proofreading, especially pertaining to academic writing, is essential. Our expertise and thorough analysis will identify and correct mistakes that Microsoft Word, Grammarly and other leading software packages will miss.
We offer affordable pricing plans for the specific service that each client requires. Prices are agreed with the client in advance. Minor adjustments can be made after the document is returned. However, subsequent complex editing will incur an extra cost.
This service is for the student who is confident that their work is of a sufficient standard for submission, but requires a meticulous second eye to ensure that minor errors are corrected. Proofreading is the most basic academic editing service we provide, and ensures that:
- Appropriate punctuation is used throughout.
- Correct grammar is employed.
- Spelling mistakes and ‘typos’ are eliminated.
- Syntax is corrected.
Academic proofreading is essential, and is the final step of academic editing that must be taken to ensure that an academic document is complete. Students completing dissertations and theses would benefit most from this service.
Copy Editing
Academic copy editing is a more advanced and comprehensive academic editing service. It is concerned with content and context, writing structure and clarity of expression.
- Any inconsistencies and inaccuracies are addressed.
- Style and language is investigated to ensure it is consistent with high academic standards.
- Sentence structure and general flow will be improved.
- Use of vocabulary is enriched to ensure best possible usage and avoidance of repetition.
- Referencing and use of citations are corrected in line with best practice of international academic referencing styles.
- The elements of basic proofreading are also included with this service.
Why choose this service?
You may be making the difficult transition from 2nd to 3rd level education, and are grappling with the specific style of academic writing.
You may be a mature student returning to education after a prolonged absence. You are a confident writer but need to hone your writing style so it is more in line with academic writing.
You are a competent third level student, but wish to make improvements in specific areas. You are knowledgeable in your subject area but wish to better articulate how you express your arguments.
You are completing a thesis or dissertation, and require additional assistance with the areas outlined above. It is common, for instance, to require extra help completing extensive bibliographies. This service will ensure correct referencing, and deal with any incomplete citations and omissions.
You are frustrated with your grades, are very close to the next upper grade and need help to get over the line and achieve the grade that you deserve.
A one-to-one academic consultation can be arranged, where a student can meet with a member of our team. During these consultations:
Individual needs are identified.
A negotiated learning plan is initiated.
Learning outcomes are met through physical and online tutoring programmes.
These consultations would benefit students at any level, whether you are:
Finding the transition from 2nd to 3rd level education difficult.
A competent student who needs help with a specific area of academic writing in order to get to the next level.
An international student studying in English as a second language.
Having difficulties with any area of academic writing.
We provide a tailored service to meet each student’s specific needs and to ensure improved academic writing proficiency.
Our service is tailored to your specific needs.
Our service is personalised. You can speak to your proofreader to discuss your requirements.
Our service is fast, efficient and flexible. Turnaround times are negotiable, and designed to meet individual requirements.
Our service is highly confidential.
Our service is professional, and performed by academics and proofreaders with a minimum of five years experience.
Our service is entirely transparent. Any changes made are clearly visible, and can be accepted or rejected.
Our service will find errors that leading software packages will miss.
We offer competitive prices that will not be beaten by large, impersonal organisations.
Clients that we have worked with have significantly improved their grades.