"Brian’s work is extremely skilled and rigorous."

- Paloma, PhD Student, DCU

"Brian’s help has meant that my essays have been pushed from a 2:1 to a 1:1"

- Kelly, Final Year Student, Trinity College.

"Brian helped me to bridge the gap between my ability and my course knowledge.”

- James, Final Year Business Student, Trinity College.


Proofreading and Editing Dublin

Scribo is a Dublin-based company that provides professional proofreading and editing services for Irish and international clients. We specialise with academic content and are the leading provider of proofreading and editing  Dublin. Due to increased demand and a growing reputation we have expanded our services. Our services can be categorised in three distinct areas; academia, creative writing, and business writing.

Academic proofreading and editing Dublin: we provide services for students and academics / lecturers, and have edited essays, papers, theses, dissertations, presentations, journal articles, and books. We also provide a highly specialised ESL editing service, designed for international students.

Creative writing: we work across a range of creative projects and areas and assist authors, artists, poets, playwrights and screenwriters.

Business writing: assist corporations and small business owners with  with memos, manuals, reports, presentations, business plans, brochures and all those time-consuming business documents. We also edit copy for online platforms including websites, apps, social media, emails and e-zines.

We provide flexible and tailored packages that include various degrees of editing; proofreading, copy editing, some re-writing when required, and extensive feedback notes.

We provide tailored editing and writing solutions to suit  individual needs. The service is entirely transparent; any changes made to the original document can be clearly seen and can be accepted or rejected, while explanations of complex corrections are provided.

Our expertise and thorough analysis will identify and correct mistakes that Microsoft Word, Grammarly and other leading software packages will miss.

The company is headed by Brian Moran who provides a highly personalised and professional proofreading and editing Dublin service. We manage a range of projects, regardless of size or complexity.


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    “Brian’s work is extremely skilled and rigorous, he is always on time and he has the capacity to comprehend my ideas and reword them in the right manner without any major changes to the meaning. His corrections are accurate and his eye sharp enough to spot mistakes that the writer, after several editions, cannot simply spot anymore.”

    “As a student of English Literature, issues with my grammar and essay structure were really preventing me from achieving the grade I desired. Brian’s help has meant that my essays have been pushed the extra inch from a 2:1 to a 1:1. He was always available when I had any queries, and very accommodating when I was working towards deadlines. “

    “I needed Scribo in my final year of undergraduate studies because my essay-writing ability wasn’t on par with my course knowledge. Brian helped me to bridge the gap between them and effectively portray my hard work onto paper to achieve the 2.1 I deserved.”